Elevating Your Sleep Game: Essential Tips for a Restful Night

Elevating Your Sleep Game: Essential Tips for a Restful Night

  • Raquel Benguiat
  • 01/14/24

Sleep is the ultimate force multiplier in life.


A good night's sleep transforms everything: energy levels soar, focus sharpens, mood improves, and motivation flourishes. Conversely, poor sleep turns every task into a struggle, transforming minor annoyances into overwhelming assaults on the senses.


Here are six strategies that have significantly improved my sleep in the past 1-2 years, along with a couple of additional tips to elevate your sleep game:

1. Create a Cave-Like Bedroom Environment: Your bedroom is the foundation of quality sleep. Mimic a cave-like setting for optimal sleep conditions:

    • Cool: Maintain a room temperature around 66 degrees Fahrenheit.
    • Quiet: Minimize loud noises, consider white noise, and use earplugs if needed.
    • Dark: Block out light using blackout curtains or an eye mask.

2. Banish Phones from Bed: Breaking the habit of using your phone in bed can be transformative for your sleep. Place your phone in another room or out of arm's reach, and invest in a simple alarm clock.

3. Replace Screen Time with Light Activities: After banishing the phone, find a less stimulating pre-sleep activity. Engage in activities like reading fiction, solving sudoku puzzles, or listening to a calming podcast to distract your mind without hindering sleep.

4. Embrace Body Scan Meditation: When thoughts race and sleep seems elusive, a quick body scan meditation can act as an "off" switch for your mind. While it may require some practice, the benefits are well worth the effort.

5. Mindful Caffeine Consumption: While I won't advocate for quitting coffee outright, being intentional about caffeine consumption is crucial. Understand your limits and recognize that caffeine takes around 10+ hours to exit your system for most people.

6. Establish a Consistent Sleep Schedule: Stick to a regular sleep routine by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This helps regulate your body's internal clock.


By incorporating these additional sleep tips, you'll not only fix your sleep habits but elevate your overall quality of life. Sleep is a precious commodity—invest in it wisely for a healthier and more productive you.

Elevating Your Sleep Game: Essential Tips for a Restful Night


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